Bengston Energy Healing Method
A non-invasive, information-based healing method.
Developed and Rigourously Researched
The Bengston Energy Healing Method® developed by William Bengston, PhD, is an innovative healing technique that has been shown to be effective on a wide variety of conditions.
Dr. Bengston’s method has produced the first successful full cures of transplanted mammary cancer and methylcholanthrene induced sarcomas in mice. The Method has been validated from solid laboratory research conducted over 40 years in more than a half dozen independent labs and medical schools, with findings published in numerous peer reviewed scientific publications.
Although the term “energy healing” is a commonly recognized by many, Dr. Bengston proposes that the “energy” in healing is rather “information.” It may turn out that energy and information are fungible, but Bill proposes that healing information rides on an energy wave. Research is now pointing toward this being the case.

To Review Publications and Research
Learning the Method
People learn the Bengston Method for a variety of reasons. Some want to heal family members, friends, neighbors, or pets. Many learn the method to help support their own healing. Some become professional healing practitioners, and some established healing professionals add the Bengston Method to the approaches they are already using in their practice.
The Bengston Method does more than assist in healing, though. Many learn the method simply to reach personal goals or to acquire things they want and need. Regardless of the reason for learning and using the Bengston Method, those who practice seem to get things they want! As with any skill, mastery takes effort and practice. Yet, newly-minted Bengston Method “practitioners” often report amazing results, both with image cycling and healing.
The foundational workshop is three full days led by experienced Bengston Method practitioners. It includes instruction, discussion, practice with coaching, breakout groups, and Q&A. By the end of the workshop, participants are able to use the method for healing and other purposes.
Learn About WorkshopsTestimonial
I chose a Bengston practitioner to help my mother in Ireland who had been diagnosed with vascular dementia. I hoped it would help with her anxiety as I had read or heard you say it may help with Alzheimer's.
After two sessions so far my mother is improving, her mood, her interactions, her speech and she is using cutlery again. I spoke to Dad today and for the first time in months mum was sitting beside him on the sofa holding hands and watching TV.
– G.B.
Just a quick note to say my blood test numbers are so stable my oncologists are practically throwing me out of their offices! (Reminder that the disease in question is CLL, a "slow-grower" like prostate cancer.)
Thank you, Bill, and thanks to all those making the effort to learn to cycle and apply their good intentions to all who need them.
– F.T.
My mother, who is 91, suffered from unbearable pain because of osteoporosis (she already had 2 spontaneous bone breaks). She can't use pain killers because she has to vomit when she takes them. She could not stand the pain any longer and no doctor can help.
I energized cotton and put it on the painful spots. She could feel the difference and called it 'warm cotton'. She didn't complain about the pain anymore!!! Can you imagine what a difference in quality of life she has now!!! She walks (with help of her wheel roller), cooks for herself, lives on her own and: she doesn't have pain anymore!
– M. R., PhD
What if you had a magic lamp and could create any future you could imagine?
It sounds impossible, but with The Bengston Method, many people have done exactly this! The Bengston technique of Image Cycling™ puts the magic lamp in your hands. From healing serious illness to encountering professional opportunities and enjoying special experiences, The Bengston Method has helped countless people achieve things they desire.
You will be invited on a path of self-discovery with experienced practitioners who have used The Bengston Method to heal others while also using it to achieve their dreams. To start, you’ll be given an overview of the 40 plus years of research conducted by Bill Bengston and the science supporting the use of the method. Then, you’ll be asked a simple question: What do you want?
Sounds simple, right? But answering this deceptively simple question can sometimes be quite difficult and intimidating. This workshop invites you to think clearly, and examine in detail, about what you truly want so that you can use The Image Cycling™ technique for both healing and getting the things you desire.
You will have opportunities for both large and small group guided practice with the Bengston Method. The Image Cycling™ technique will be modeled, coached, and practiced throughout the workshop. You’ll then learn how to use the technique for healing, self-care and more. Practical and clinical questions will be discussed.
You will leave the workshop with all you need—the plot— to use The Bengston Method for yourself, family, friends or in clinical practice. However, it will take practice to really master it.
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