Behind the scenes.

The following people maintain the website, answer email, assist instructors, develop curriculums and perform a variety of other functions. Without them, Bengston Method Workshops would not be possible.

Jennifer Hall

As a long time practitioner of The Bengston Energy Healing MethodĀ®Ā for both four-legged and two legged creatures, Jennifer is an experienced instructor who assists with curriculum development.Ā 


Margaret Nies

Margaret assists Bill with most projects, including workshops. She is often the practical liason in organizing and scheduling workshops and more.


Amy Saville

With Amy's wealth of teaching experience, she adds a valuable component to the team. Her guidance is indispensable as we explore new courses and delivery systems.


Krishanti Wahla

Krishanti has hosted several Bengston Method workshops. She helps maintainĀ this websiteĀ and answers emails. You will likely hear back from her regarding registration and other questions.